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How Logos Influence Our Food Choices: Power of Graphic Design

Graphic design is more than just a tool for creating content; it has the remarkable ability to influence our perceptions, emotions, and behaviors. In light of National Junk Food Day, celebrated on July 21st, let's delve into how graphic design can transform our beloved junk food brands into healthy options and how brands can leverage this power to positively impact consumer decision-making.

The Influence of Visuals on Consumer Behavior

Humans are inherently visual beings. Our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text, and 90% of the information transmitted to our brains is visual. This means that the design and presentation of a product can significantly influence our decisions, often on a subconscious level. A well-crafted design can make a product appear more appealing, trustworthy, and desirable.

Reimagining Junk Food Brands as Healthy Choices

To showcase the transformative power of graphic design, let's look at some creative mock-ups where iconic junk food brands are reimagined as healthy options. These examples highlight how design elements such as color, typography, and imagery can reshape our perception of a product.



    • Before: Famous for its vibrant, whimsical design that emphasizes the fun and indulgent nature of the snack.
    • After: Transformed with a sleek and sophisticated look featuring green and white tones, suggesting purity and health. The addition of the word "Sushi Rolls" alongside the Twinkies logo and an image of a sushi roll cleverly shifts the perception from a sugary treat to a potentially healthy snack.


Dunkin' Donuts

    • Before: Known for its bright orange and pink colors, playful fonts, and images of indulgent donuts.
    • After: Redesigned with a green and earthy color palette, a clean and modern font, and imagery of fresh apples. The new design evokes feelings of health and natural goodness, making the brand appear as if it offers wholesome and nutritious products.


    • Before: Bright yellow packaging with a cheerful and inviting design that highlights the fun and delicious nature of potato chips.
    • After: Rebranded with a green, fresh look, featuring images of cucumbers and leafy greens. This new design suggests that the chips are made from healthy, natural ingredients, aligning the brand with wellness and healthy eating.

The Psychological Impact of Design Changes

These redesigns are not just about aesthetics; they tap into deeper psychological triggers. The use of green and natural imagery is associated with health, freshness, and environmental consciousness. Clean and simple fonts convey a sense of transparency and honesty. By changing the visual language, these mock-ups can make us believe that the products are healthier than they actually are.


Graphic design is a powerful tool that can shape our perceptions and influence our behaviors. As we reflect on National Junk Food Day, let's appreciate the creativity behind these mock-ups and recognize the significant role that design plays in our everyday decisions. Whether it's promoting a product or advocating for healthier choices, the power of design should be wielded with care and responsibility.