How will On-Target! make my sales brochure more effective?

On-Target! best practices for an effective sales brochure


print_subsea-1An effective sales brochure is a powerful tool for engaging potential customers and persuading them to take action. Here are some key elements to consider when designing one:

  1. Target Audience Focus: Tailor the content and design to appeal to the specific demographic of your target audience. Understanding what appeals to them can make your brochure more effective. Don't forget to appeal to their emotions with your copy and visuals. As posed by the respected Neuroscientist Antonia Damasio,
    "We are not thinking machines that feel,
    we are feeling machines that think."
  2. Compelling Cover: The cover should grab attention with an appealing design and a headline that encourages people to read further.

  3. Clear and Concise Content: The text should be easy to read and to the point, highlighting the benefits of the product or service. Consider that the role of the brochure is to remind the prospect why to buy from you and to serve as a tool for them to share your appeal with others that influence the decision. So keep it simple. Avoid overly technical language unless it is industry-appropriate.

  4. Strong Visuals: Use high-quality images and graphics that relate to the text and enhance the message. Visuals should be relevant and help break up the text to make the brochure more engaging.

  5. Compelling Call to Action (CTA): This is crucial for converting interest into action. The CTA should be clear, compelling, and easy to find, guiding the readers on what to do next, whether it’s visiting a website, making a phone call, or visiting a store.

  6. Logical Layout: Organize the information in a logical flow that guides the reader through the brochure. Use headings and bullet points to organize information and make it easier to absorb.

  7. Contact Information: Always include contact details such as phone numbers, email addresses, and physical or website addresses so interested customers know how to reach you or learn more.

  8. Testimonials or Reviews: Adding quotes from satisfied customers can build trust and credibility.

  9. High-Quality Print: The quality of the paper and the printing can affect how the brochure is perceived. High-quality print materials can make a good impression and reflect the quality of the services or products offered.

  10. Brand Consistency: The design and tone should reflect your brand’s identity and values, using consistent colors, fonts, and style.

This On-Target Approach ensures that your sales brochure will not only capture attention but also effectively communicate the key messages that will persuade your ideal prospects.